January 2010
Greetings readers. Uncertain if this extended description is of interest or value to you.
This project was begun in 1991. I really don't care how long it takes to finish. However I have been inspired by "lurking" in other blogs since I returned to Canada.
I wanted to sort through the many items I had collected or made for my French-style country house but soon realized I needed to dress the house before I could make decisions about what to put aside - perhaps for another project? I try not to say that out loud so as not to panic the men in my life. I must concentrate on one project at a time.
Actually that is why I began a miniature project in the first place. I was interested in many forms of craft but did not want to concentrate on any one. I had the opportunity to make quilts, upholster, mold with fimo, experiment with the dremel .... yes it does expand ones skills without an overly huge commitment. Mmmm I did notice it took over my life for a while.
I would settle into almost a dream state as I did long night watches while sailing considering how I would create a garden and finish the attic space etc. Now that I have returned I have found that there has been such a proliferation of wonderful blogs and the mini world no longer seems so small. Thank you one and all.
Read on only if you really want more detail:
The plywood floor in the kitchen was painted white. The checkerboard created using 1/2 " painters tape oversprayed with gloss black, then removed. The eating area furniture is Bespaq, the base of the table and the chairs have been stained in a soft blue water-based paint. The chairs covered in a yellow and blue print which matches the curtain under the sink counter.
A basket of blackberries are on the edge of the table with a ladies LV wallet with credit cards showing. The shopping basket on the chair contains a baguette, newspaper and bottle of wine as well as the greenery tops of carrots. The basket on the table contains a pot plant storing seed packet labels and small gardening tools alongside more seed packets and a pair of scissors.
The counter behind the table has lemon merangue tarts on a pedestal tray made with jewellery findings. The large market basket on the counter is filled with leeks, carrots, cabbage etc. Under the counter shelves contain books and decorative jugs amongst other fillers.
The wall on the left has an angled-top print, glued onto heavy card, of women harvesting and matches one in the right hand corner at the back of the room. This was made by a friend as a room dividing screen but she gave it to me because the colours are perfectly reflected in this sunny yellow and blue room. Under the prints are a resin rooster as well as a rusted milk jug and bucket containing flowers.
On the right hand is an etagere with a rusted patina that contains decorative plates, books, coffee pot and a pedestal fruit bowl with peaches and grapes. The bottom shelf has a pottery jug and bowls.
The plates on the second top level are made by using the metal plate of a children's party favour ring. You may find these in a package of six with Dora or assorted princesses. Bend back the metal claws and release these decorated disks, remove the decoration. Find relevant scenes or plates in magazines and glue to disks then paint the edges if necessary. Finish with matt fingernail polish. The scale is perfect. Other plates and bowls are porcelain or pottery. I will take more photos of this area and post them before continuing with my description of the kitchen.