Dear All,
How time gets away from us.
In May Elizabeth and I enjoyed a visit from Linda of who splits her time between Sydney Australia and Whistler Canada. We had met Linda last year here in Canada and had planned a mini day on her return. Unfortunately Fatima was unable to attend. Linda came for lunch and was able to stay with us overnight.
She kindly carried gifts from Norma ,which was a lovely surprise.
Thank you Norma.
Norma knew I was working to fill the book shelves of the book cases in the Salon of my French House.
This is how I used her gifts:
The books and cushion found their home on the window seat.
I was not successful at downloading book covers so as an alternate I made a collection of books including sketch books, diaries and old ribbon closed papers. On the top shelf I covered books from a picture of the battles of Napoleon and Wellington.
That was fun and conceals the lights that are recessed above the window seat.
Notice the window closure. More on that later.

The magazines were perfect on the steamer chair in the courtyard garden. The garden boots have been kicked off and a glass of lemonade awaits.
At last I have been inspired to work on the garden. I added water lilies to the fountain and made pots of succulents for the hot spot under the clematis.
My impetus to complete my French House was the looming of the West Coast Miniature and Dollhouse Show held on the 7 June. However, despite the fast approaching date I did not seem to be inspired.
The rose bush had been holding me back for so long was still not a reality. I kept avoiding it.
Over breakfast I would examine the climbing rose visible from the kitchen. Elizabeth of seemed to have no problems at all generating a fantastic English-style garden but I had mini gardeners block!
Watching the roses bloom in my RL garden:
Linda Park bought me a gift of a vase by Magaret Crosswell of Tasmania, that is finely painted with the image of a wisteria. I was inspired and decided I could make wisteria.
This is Margaret's vase and the finished wisteria.
I could make wisteria! It was very easy once I found an appropriate floral pic with foliage similar to wisteria. I cut down the size of the foliage and made many florets using pale green embroidery floss dipped into white glue and then into lilac-coloured Flower Soft.
This is my under control work table with several projects on the go. Please note that the space on the table will become smaller and smaller as the week goes on till I have an unbelievable mess. The manila envelope is in the process of being painted to replicate rose leaves.... more on that in a later post. On the right on the blue pad are black bamboo sticks being made into French-style window openers. A finished example is shown in the picture of the salon window seat. They have a wrap of thin brass at the top and bottom, the handle is made with fimo baked and painted gold.
In the centre of the photo are the bits and pieces of wisteria foliage and the flower soft florets.
I decided I would add wisteria to the chimney as well. Still avoiding roses as you can tell.
In my RL garden when I move or dispose of unruly plants I check the roots to see if there is anything that may be suitable for miniature trees or vines. The above vine began as a section of dried root from a yew shrub. I sectioned the roots and glued them onto the chimney to create the vine.
Added the flowers
and the foliage, moss at the base of the chimney as well as the roof and chimney pots. I added a drain under the downpipes with a smear of muddy gel candle under the drain to replicate water.
The little grotesque is waiting for the broken pot to bloom.
at which time he will offer her a flower.
More to come. Any questions happily answered.
regards Janine
How time gets away from us.
In May Elizabeth and I enjoyed a visit from Linda of who splits her time between Sydney Australia and Whistler Canada. We had met Linda last year here in Canada and had planned a mini day on her return. Unfortunately Fatima was unable to attend. Linda came for lunch and was able to stay with us overnight.
She kindly carried gifts from Norma ,which was a lovely surprise.
Thank you Norma.
Norma knew I was working to fill the book shelves of the book cases in the Salon of my French House.
This is how I used her gifts:
The books and cushion found their home on the window seat.
I was not successful at downloading book covers so as an alternate I made a collection of books including sketch books, diaries and old ribbon closed papers. On the top shelf I covered books from a picture of the battles of Napoleon and Wellington.
That was fun and conceals the lights that are recessed above the window seat.
Notice the window closure. More on that later.

The magazines were perfect on the steamer chair in the courtyard garden. The garden boots have been kicked off and a glass of lemonade awaits.
At last I have been inspired to work on the garden. I added water lilies to the fountain and made pots of succulents for the hot spot under the clematis.
My impetus to complete my French House was the looming of the West Coast Miniature and Dollhouse Show held on the 7 June. However, despite the fast approaching date I did not seem to be inspired.
The rose bush had been holding me back for so long was still not a reality. I kept avoiding it.
Over breakfast I would examine the climbing rose visible from the kitchen. Elizabeth of seemed to have no problems at all generating a fantastic English-style garden but I had mini gardeners block!
Watching the roses bloom in my RL garden:
Linda Park bought me a gift of a vase by Magaret Crosswell of Tasmania, that is finely painted with the image of a wisteria. I was inspired and decided I could make wisteria.
This is Margaret's vase and the finished wisteria.
I could make wisteria! It was very easy once I found an appropriate floral pic with foliage similar to wisteria. I cut down the size of the foliage and made many florets using pale green embroidery floss dipped into white glue and then into lilac-coloured Flower Soft.
This is my under control work table with several projects on the go. Please note that the space on the table will become smaller and smaller as the week goes on till I have an unbelievable mess. The manila envelope is in the process of being painted to replicate rose leaves.... more on that in a later post. On the right on the blue pad are black bamboo sticks being made into French-style window openers. A finished example is shown in the picture of the salon window seat. They have a wrap of thin brass at the top and bottom, the handle is made with fimo baked and painted gold.
In the centre of the photo are the bits and pieces of wisteria foliage and the flower soft florets.
In my RL garden when I move or dispose of unruly plants I check the roots to see if there is anything that may be suitable for miniature trees or vines. The above vine began as a section of dried root from a yew shrub. I sectioned the roots and glued them onto the chimney to create the vine.
Added the flowers
and the foliage, moss at the base of the chimney as well as the roof and chimney pots. I added a drain under the downpipes with a smear of muddy gel candle under the drain to replicate water.
The little grotesque is waiting for the broken pot to bloom.
at which time he will offer her a flower.
More to come. Any questions happily answered.
regards Janine