The wallpaper lent its name to this quiet country-styled room. The wallpaper is quite busy but very cheerful and finding complimentary patterns has been a challenge. Not over yet as I have a yen to change it completely.
The rooms are deep - 21"x12". When the house is finished one will view the contents from the open back or through limited view lines from the windows. Therefore I must plan not to block the sight lines and yet make the layout seem natural.
I know, it takes a while to realize that not everything is as it looks. When I first began doing miniatures I tried to actually make the bed with the usual layers of bedding. I had not come to terms with the fact that glue would have a big part in creating a better image of how fabric falls.
I have a wonderful collection of fine lawn handkerchiefs that I use for sheets. I do hate to cut them up but I cannot continue to collect them without putting them to good use. I love piles of crisp linens so have made piles of edge trimmed linens tied with bows part of my display. I imagine the lady of the house has bought in the sun-dried sheets and pillowcases ready to change the bed.
The desk is treated as a vanity. The mirror is made using a small picture frame, the vanity trays are jewellery bases and the bead bottles made from jewellery findings. Frames were made and stained to fit the pictures taken from catalogues and magazines.
The bed is beautiful, and the idea of the fresh linen displayed on the chair is very clever. This is such a lovely room all round :)
ReplyDeleteI just found your blog today...your house is magnificent! I look forward to seeing more.
Being relatively new to miniature making I haven't decorated a room yet so your inventiveness has really given me ideas.
ReplyDeleteI too love old handkerchiefs and have a couple to use as bedlinen for a bed kit I have just finished. I am off to look at the rest of your blog.