Dear All, A bit of excitement here in Vancouver. We have sold our house & have to move by August 23. We have bought a cottage about 45 minutes south of the city..... trauma, now we have taken possession it is so much smaller than we recall. What have we done!!
Back to Mini.... it has already been packed away! Again!!
The attic space from right to left: grotesque/gargoyle - figure from the top of a stamp pad painted to age. Bee urns. I am sure you can see what I have used to make these. Yes, thimbles with a snap base and bees as they are a Napoleonic symbol. A broken chair, unfortunately, hoping it will be able to repaired one of these days. I made the quilting basket and contents including a quilting hoop,fibrefill, fabrics and cotton reels. Sewing machine head with thread beside a small sewing basket with a handle and several vintage sewing magazines. There are two suitcases in the back corner and a cross on the wall.

Posters are displayed on the walls between the rafter beams, garden urns, rolled tapestry supporting a curtain rod. Walking stick with a brass tip, wooden train, Chioise pot, aged newspapers supporting a beribboned and feathered Edwardian-style hat beside a broom.

Cushion, broken clock detached from statuettes in a basket with straw. Sword and mirror on the wall.