Showing posts with label Review of 2012. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Review of 2012. Show all posts

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Spinning through 2012

Greetings All. Best wishes for a healthy, happy and safe 2013.

Ah, that quiet time between Christmas and New Year. The fireplace burns non stop, I read or play non stop - I hardly manage to get out of my pyjamas.  Anyone in the house gravitates to the fridge and the great assortment of left overs or baked Christmas goodies.

This morning two of the Grandchildren woke me to tell me they were going to play quietly and not wake me up!

The sun was an orange glow escaping between the skyline and a heavy blanket of grey cloud. That narrow skyline is still visable. Mount Baker and the surrounding ranges are magnificent in their winter coat of snow.  The bay still hosts migrating birds although many have wisely headed south. We will follow them in a couple of months.

We have not had snow, whereas Vancouver, just half an hour away, had quite a fall last week.

The year swirled past - or did I simply advance through time - not sure. Welcomed a precious gift of a new Granddaughter, worked on our garden and cruised the scenic seafood-filled waters of the Broughton Archipeligo with friends. Four of us onboard Nautica our 26' Nordic Tug.... and we are still friends!!

Home again to tame the prolific production of my vegetable garden - tomatoes, beets, greens, peas, beans, garlic, peppers.  Harvested blackberries and made jams and syrups, picked blueberries in the nearby fields - stacked jars of B.C. peaches and pears. Satisfaction personified as the leaves turned yellow, red and orange.

Then the winter storms, waves top dressing the lawn with seaweed, carex grasses and Tamarisk trees yielding to the wind. Snow geese and trumpeter swans from the Arctic descending exhausted like giant white kites onto green water-soaked fields, snowy owls fluffed, ever watchful, resting on silver grey driftwood trees.

Thoughts turn to Christmas, missives to old friends, crafts with excited youngsters, concerts and ice skating. Baking and eating shortbread, making leek soup - from garden to table in a few hours.

Christmas Day - deferred in its entirety to Boxing Day as we love to all be together but understand the out-laws love to do the same so we give them the gift of Christmas Day celebrations.

So another circle of time has brought me back - the clocks ticking, the fire burning, lights still glowing in the Christmas tree. Small remnants of Christmas ribbon, a corner of coloured paper and glitter in the carpet.  A quiet moment to be remorseful for time that passed without due attention, for friends not acknowledged and loved ones taken for granted.

Hope you enjoy this peek into my life in Canada.

A New Year, look forward.

All the best Janine